Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I almost never drink wine

I almost never drink wine
Originally uploaded by Kim's Suitcase.
I went to the Toronto Comic Jam last night (check out It is a place to spontaneously collaborate on comics. I did this to warm up. I likeded it so much I just couldn't share.
It is at a fabulous old bar with so much history it seeps into your skin, or perhaps that is just how alcohol poisoning feels? My friend Dave Howard has been putting on this event for many many years. It was very curious. I must work out the talk/draw ratio.


Nic Squirrell said...

Lovely as always, and completely bonkers! Pour me another glass.....

Shano said...

Genius. Cute. Love it.


that is so funny!
i usually go to that, and didnt yesyerday because it was my brothers b-day.
it would be cool to meet one day. I bet if i had gone, there would have been no way I'd have known it was you.
maybe next time!
it's fun isn't it!

Anonymous said...

I was searching online and I found your blog, good job.

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