Friday, August 05, 2005


tania tagged me
what to do
list 5 idiosyncrasis
you can too,
no pressure no pressure
1. stairs, well the feet fly out so i can see them resulting in odd cabaret meets a duck walk(hypno therapy perhaps will cure)
2.purses, so many i loose things in them, putting things in extra safe spots (that is hiding them on myself) happy to find treaures later in these troves and purses.
3.large piles of books on bed stand and around, cause- fear of nothing to read!!
4.pee-i -tous when nervous, having to go to the toilet upon leaving the house many times, else where also (resulting in
the knowledge of every nice and not nice public bathroom in the city- just ask i know, perhaps a useful topic for a zine?)
5.a deep fondness for shoes..and feet and well i love ears a little too much perhaps!

spelling i can not, nor figuring out tech stuff, so please if you read this tag yourself and leave a comment....


Kim's Suitcase said...

hmm, no one caught eh? not surprized really, i was never really good at tag, except "tv tag", and not being really good at tag had it's advantages in "kissing tag" if you know what i mean nudge nudge wink wink say no more say no more.

Anonymous said...

hee hee!
i love it!!!
so cute, and so poetic!
thanks for not minding being tagged!

oh, tv tag, i loved thhat game....

Cin said...

I like ears too!

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