Tuesday, July 12, 2005

great leaps

it is funny what scares us. let me be frank and tell you it is things I can not see.
nothing mechanical or emotional but stuff that like magic works or doesn't on the computer.
I have a bit of a backward forward upside down problem. in the physical world it makes going down stairs hard. in the literary world the proper spelling of words. my fear involves doing learning new things on my computer, things that may be simple but seem so invisible mysterious and frightening. today I made a leap, I dove in and didn't let the technical road block up ahead get in the way. I woke early and got to work, making no excuses of the heat or fatigue or small animals or the needs of small children get in the way. I did yoga first to gear up, see how cluttered my mind is how stiff my limbs. and I did it. A simple thing really, but blasted away with sweat and concentration and fear in the gut. I feel happy and good and tired and clear, sometimes walking slow just doesn't do it although it usually does. Today happily I took a great leap....And landed safely.

1 comment:

mim said...


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