Monday, October 30, 2006

good morning pods

seed pod 6
Originally uploaded by Kim's Suitcase.
Bea and I on the short walk to school found these wonderful seed pods. Kyle, her classmate had found one too. They both left the line up to go in to gather more. In the line, discussion and chatter among the kids led to a smiling man's comment. "They are seed pods" he said. Then he said to me, as if to anticipate my wonder, "they're from the Plain/Plane Tree, also known as Sycamore. I though the leaves looked like a maple but knew the tree couldn't be because it was full of these amazing pods. On closer inspection I can see the leaves look so different from the maple. The man told me he was into trees, it was his job he designs and builds gardens. "I love it." he said " I'm really lucky I love what I do". I thought aren't we all really lucky. This person so full, satisfied with such wonderful knowledge and energy. Isn't it a shame everyone can't/ or doesn't love what 'they do"? It was time for the kids to go in, as he called out, "Bye Oak". I said "Your son's a tree....It's a beautiful name". "Yeah" he said "I'm really into trees".

to see more pictures of my good morning sycamore pods please click on the photograph which will take you to flickr, more pictures are in my new set there called 'other worlds'

hug a tree today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh that is a lovely story-

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