Monday, January 30, 2006

glamour kitty

with her fans, the cause of all the kitty line ups last week, a chance for them to get an autograph from a real glamour puss!

for this weeks theme "glamour" at

Thursday, January 26, 2006

roses and daisies valentine dance party

How could you go wrong by buying this sweet little romantic pillow.

It even has a delightful pocket for a love note.

Don't disapoint your lovely this valentines day.

Only one in stock. Completly original and oh so hand made!

now on sale at
www.kimssuitcase.etsy. com

because everyone needs a soft spot to call their own


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

cats in a line

cats in a line
Originally uploaded by Kim's Suitcase.
for this weeks theme at illustration friday

please click on them to see them clearer at flickr, then click to all sizes and choose large...

What do you think they are lining up for?

Fish cakes?
Viola lessons?
Casting Call?

please check one or add your own in the comments,
really i would love to know!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Dark dark spot

last night i had a dream
a bad dream

featuring the death of Margaret Atwood
newspapers turning into cast iron pans for cooking pancakes
and the end of the world

today i got a phone call
the kind of phone call i never wish to ever have again

my daughter was missing
no you say
yes says i

to put you out of concern and to make sure dear reader
you do not plunge head long into the green running river
i dreamt of last night

i can say she was found


she had taken it upon herself to leave the school yard at lunch time
to take a walk
with a following friend in tow

she was looking she said for a new house
having heard us mulling the idea in a fantastical not now kind of way

lucky for me
my sister was in the kitchen
and said

don't panic

i sat for five minutes
void, in shock
the worse living dream

the phone again rings
brought back by Lula the crossing guard

and my heart ticks again
to the beat of never again never again never again

dark spot on this day
the darkest i have know

Sunday, January 22, 2006

spilled milk, assorted rot, and the benefits and ills of glossy magazines


in the store today
the ceiling had a gash

from a leak

and it was a nightmare
above the 'horror' books


sasha the bird didn't say much

i was cranky

sasha didn't like what i was having for lunch

my attention span isn't good enough to endure big books
but settles on gossip magazines
that tell me about super stars
and bad marriages
and i think now i know

tomorrow there is an election

on the radio a woman was asked the name of the leader of one of the parties
and passed on that question
but could tell you who angelina jolie was dating

i remember something noam chomsky said
about our involvment with things of little consequence
and the use of them to distract us from things that directly affect us
he said that if people knew as much about politics as sports and were as excited by it
we would be in a different world..

my attention is coming back
and i care
and will vote

glossy magazines are a trip
with out addiction
or weight gain
or rotting liver

but glossy
glossing over
distracting and away from

sometimes i need these baths
to relax
and play dumb.

but realzise
my real life happens
in the moments of cracker crumbs
in the bed
occasional athletes foot

glorious nothing
and something
and in all the shades of every colour
that we can see and can't

to the surface i swim
and hug the droplets to myself
and let the cool air dry them

because it is good to be

the cracks in the side walk
the flaws in myself

Friday, January 20, 2006

Thursday, January 19, 2006


house bound with a yuk of a bug-a-boo
achy, sleepy, yukky,

not really able to work...but...
i made a scarf for bea,
this is a detail
to see more click on the kitty in the cap and, it will magically take you to flickr where you can see the whole patch and the scarf!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

E is for....emotions

E is for....emotions
Originally uploaded by Kim's Suitcase.
My illustration Friday post. Two other versions at flickr, click on the picture and it will take you there.
As well you will see the picture more clearly. Other illustrations on the theme e is

Currently I am reading East of Eden by John Steinbeck and lets just say it has all of the "E"'s for emotion. What a tale. I am half way through. It is a wild ride!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Isadora and Xylophone

Isadora and Xylophone
Originally uploaded by Kim's Suitcase.
please click on image to see her at flickr where there is a small folio of other images of Isadora in some quiet moments this rainy day in Toronto.

find out more about dear Isadora Pekala at

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Harriet Spumoni

Harriet Spumoni 4
Originally uploaded by Kim's Suitcase.
This is Harriet Spumoni. She is looking to relocate, and her wish is to share a home with someone nice.
Her interests include eating bon bons, listnening to 1930's Jazz music and astronomy.

She is avalible for adoption at my etsy store site which is:

Friday, January 13, 2006

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Originally uploaded by Kim's Suitcase.
in time...under the lavender sea,
what could be in that suitcase?

Isabella Greenly

Isabella Greenly
Originally uploaded by Kim's Suitcase.
May I introduce my new doll, Isabella Greenly.
She is looking for a home and for a fee can be adopted at

Isabella has been adopted. She will be flying to her new home in sunny Arizona.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Lavender and soft music

my room fills with lavender
soft music sent from a friend

my eyes focus on the line

the stictches make
one then another

a long line

a parcel
of scent
a collection of bits and pieces
and the patience to put them together.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

arm wrestling, sumo wrestling and the art of rock and roll

arm wrestle
Originally uploaded by Kim's Suitcase.
well jay and i had a chat.
he told me many had died trying to climb Mt. Everest.

i decieded with much deliberation to take my head out of the vice of time that i had put it in.
regarding the big mother craft show, that i was cramming for. i decieded with a little saddness that i would wait. having the goal propelled me into making a production schedule and sourcing material and really pondering if it could be done.

it can be but i think now is not the time. i want to live a balanced life, you know one with a clean cat box and time to smell the daisies.

it is funny how sometimes things shift so your project takes up your life and everything else gets crammed up in a little crumbled corner. i remember projects from art school being like this and it was fun, too much caffeine a sense of importance as you single mindedly plodded along blazing with your creative vision.

lets just say i stumbled and fell a few times with this method, like icarus i got burned.

i will do the big craft show, yes but allow time for it to be...for now i will keep my production schedule (with slight modifications to include laundry and bathing) and see what i can do with the "faux show"

ahh a sigh of relief as i not only choose to stay on the rails but choose not to disrail the whole family.

it's one thing swirving like a maniac when you are driving solo but another thing when you have another passenger car and a little cabose in tow.

and the occasional bag of chips!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Me and Rita

Rita is the name I give her. An old girl with spin in her engine and a foot peddle that heats up.

In addition to Rita, and Esmerelda(my Mac) there is a new kid in town, Ivanhoe a 50 pound box of fiber fill.

I am about to step into the abyss. Sign up and apply for a big ol' craft show. The kind of show where participants once done don shirts that say " I survived the...craft fair" Why am doing this you may ask. Well I thought I should get a job. It is something that attracts and repels. It is my Everest or Mount Fuji, without the height, I am scared of heights. Never the less it seems a daunting climb.
The application isn't in the mail yet, there may be no room left or my stuff might well be not what they are looking for. Then again, they might cheer, take my money and then I am in.

In either case I have taken the plunge. I have a production schedule and a lot of stuffing. A sometimes cantankerous sewing machine, and a room of my own. I used to share with Jay, but he moved out( just of the studio not my life or apartment) and is content on his second hand laptop. The hearth that is Esmerelda, (the Mac) is open to all after hours however.

So here I am with a room and some hours, not as many as I like to make with a purpose and a deadline. Today was the first production day after a lovely 2 week vacation. And how did I do?

Hmmh how did I do? Well I made the number of things that I planned to make as well as picking up library books and perusing my new favorite thrift store. I got a lovely new hand knit toque in my favorite green, a book on small quilts, an apron to reuse for fabric, a craft magazine from 1981 and a nice walk in the middle of the afternoon.

I feed my family a delicious frozen entre that I took out of the oven. My bathroom is filthy, the cat box needs changing. I have a stack of dishes. A dead Christmas tree still in the living room, assorted debris scattered all throughout the house and the beds remained unmade.

I did finish 10 lavender sachets thought...

I drank hot chocolate, read more of East of Eden, watched coronation Street and had a bath

oh and blogged.

How did I do?

Wish me luck, it could get lonely on this mountain!
(no need to call the Health Department the hovel will be swilled and ready for livability soon..I hope)

Ivanhoe (the big box of fiber fill) is a tiny bit smaller and the lavender smell is wonderful and has taken the edge off my nervous first step of production.

Now if I could only find the other Sponge Bob slipper...

Friday, January 06, 2006

The nature of clutter and belly fat

yesterday I finally bought a digital camera, and the nice man in the shop was so helpful
and jazzed about taking photos, bless his photo taking soul
Bea helped asked questions and danced and even sang a tune

my belly has expanded to include the consumption of too many chocolates
what did I know as I popped tylenol and ate over the holidays semi ill and in a
haze of too muchness and love

here featured this photo, yes photo of my desk
a mess
things come together
things fall apart
things come together

tummies shrink back
messes clear
and then again the other

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

3 4 t

3 4 t
Originally uploaded by Kim's Suitcase.

Monday, January 02, 2006


in the folds of the skin
the shine in the rain
and gentle snow

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

I was a child of the seventies.

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